Madison Lintz, an American child actress and popular television star who rose to fame for her part in The Walking Dead's horror-drama show The Walking Dead. Madison Lintz gained fame as a child actress in the decade of 2010 due to her portrayal as Sophia Peletier, a character from the popular show The Walking Dead. Her performance earned her a nomination for the Young Artist Award under the category of the best performance of an actor in a TV Series, Supporting Young Actress. As the daughter of an actress, Madison was exposed to the glitz and glamour in the world of showbiz at a young age. Her mom introduced her to the acting profession when she was only seven years old. In front of the camera was not long for her to grow into a professional actor. Her first commercial career was in the making. Her name first came to light after one commercial she did for Golden Corral was aired throughout the United States. In 2011, she appeared as the role of Sophia in the television series The...